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wiring around 1954-55 autronic eye

Started by kkarrer, October 07, 2013, 12:22:12 AM

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     Having some trouble with my headlights not dimming and I think it's the autronic eye since I've replaced the dimmer switch.  Sometimes the lights dim automatically, but very rarely and the manual dimmer switch doesn't cause them to switch to low beam.  I'd like to wire around the autronic eye, but the wiring diagram in the shop manual is really no help.  I know these things fail and are often just for show, so there must be a practical solution to bypassing them.  My car is a 1955 convertible.
Ken Karrer 1955 convertible (model 62)


Here is the Service bulletin that is the manual for the '54 Autronic eye.  22 pages of info and troubleshooting. I literally just got this in the mail this week and scanned it to pdf today to see if I can try to get mine working. I hope this helps you.
Bob Melms

1954 60 Special
1995 Sedan Deville
1999 Eldorado (RIP 2018)
Connecticut, USA


Thanks Bob.  I'll take a look.  I got mine working today.  The relay wasn't grounded properly, but I'm pretty sure that sometime in the future I'll have to figure out how to wire around one of these.  I've got two or three more to restore along with my own convertible.
Thanks again,
Ken Karrer 1955 convertible 62