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Ron from CLC New Zealand asks for help with 2016 PGA Golf Masters in Augusta

Started by FINZ Editor New Zealand, October 02, 2015, 04:58:15 PM

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FINZ Editor New Zealand

Three of us are looking to come over from NZ to the 2016 GN in Las Vegas and my son wants to take in the 2016 PGA Golf Masters on the way which is do-able time and date wise. We are confident we can get him a ticket (CLCNZ Pres. Steve Gill and I will sight-see whilst son follows the golf) but we can't find anyone that can explain to us what the difference is with the ticket names such as 'Course GA' and Row GA' and other names, given we are simply unfamiliar with these terms. Is there any Caddy club member who is also a golfer that can help please or point us in the right direction? We just need to make sure we are buying the correct tickets. Thank you, Ron Melville, Editor FINZ Magazine, CLC New Zealand