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Yet another Ebay scam

Started by denise 20352, February 06, 2006, 10:28:11 AM

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denise 20352

  This one isnt Ebays fault, though.

  You get an email telling you that you won an item on Ebay, just as you do every time you win an auction.  Maybe it was something similar to something you bid on, but probably something that youve never seen before, much less bid on.  The description makes it clear that the seller accepts only Paypal, which was what immediately raised my suspicion.

  If youre smart, you move your mouse over the links and watch the URLs in the bottom of your browser.  They dont go to Ebay.  I suspect that many people, though, would just click on the link, and I suspect that it asks for your Paypal password to pay for the item.

  How do they know that your email is used for your Ebay account?  They dont.  They just send these out everywhere, and of course they are going to hit many people who use Ebay.


Bob Benson

Send that scam to  Ebay will reply stating it is a scam

Fred Garfield 22310

I always handle paypal payment in only 2 ways. I either click the "pay now" button on the item page (which I access from the "my ebay - items Ive won" list) OR I select the "pay now" option from the drop-down menu in the "my ebay - items Ive won" list. I never, ever pay through an email link of any kind. I just ignore those. In fact, I delete them as though they were junk mail -- the same goes for any email I get saying things like "your paypal account has been closed" or "your ebay bidding privileges may be revoked." Ive seen them all.