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1960 rough engine Timing question

Started by 60eldo, May 27, 2024, 08:39:59 PM

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David Greenburg

On these older cars, I like to time them using a vacuum guage.  Old school mechanic taught me this many years ago when I was traveling between the Rockies and the east coast with some regularity. Turn the distributor until you get max vacuum, and the back it off 3/4"-1" (depending on how good your gas is. This adjusts for altitude, engine wear etc. and may also help to confirm/deny a vacuum leak.
David Greenburg
'60 Eldorado Seville
'61 Fleetwood Sixty Special

Jeff Rosansky CLC #28373

Our 55 has vac advance for the booster, distributor advance, and the wipers/antenna.
I know yours is different, but I would unhook all vac accessories and cap them. If not,you will be chasing your tail if you have a leaking booster for example.
Jeff Rosansky
CLC #28373
1970 Coupe DeVille (Big Red)
1955 Series 62 (Baby Blue)
Dad's new 1979 Coupe DeVille

TJ Hopland

Can anyone confirm he has the correct layout and firing order and rotation?  Not just google, when I google it I do get some that match what he drew but I also get several that I know are not correct.  We need to know for sure is is working with the correct layout before continuing. 

73 Eldo convert w/FiTech EFI, over 30 years of ownership and counting
Somewhat recently deceased daily drivers, 80 Eldo Diesel & 90 CDV
And other assorted stuff I keep buying for some reason