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1948 Cadillac model 62 having brake fluid leak

Started by wustjaap, May 15, 2020, 02:10:58 AM

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Hi all,
I'm owner of a 1948 Cadillac model 62 living in The Netherlands (Europe).
My model 62 having a Brake fluid leak even if I'm not using the car.
-No visual leaks at wheels
-Changed the hose from main cylinder to reservoir
-After one day the fluid in the reservoir is empty

Can someone give me a suggestion to solve this.
Is it a known issue for this car at this age?

Thanks.. 8)

Jaap Wust
The Netherlands
1948 Cadillac model 62

Roger Zimmermann

Hard to say from the computer where the fluid is going! Maybe you have one steel line rusted away and leaking; in any case the fluid has to go somewhere. It can happens to any car when something is not right.
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