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1977 Eldorado Biarritz Blower Noise

Started by Randall Ayers McGrew CLC # 17963, January 07, 2005, 06:14:10 PM

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Randall Ayers McGrew CLC # 17963

Yes, it has started again....first with the 69 Olds and now my Eldo.  That annoying eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee of the fan.  ARG!  So now what can I do?

Pay a mechanic to fix it?

Replace it with a new unit?

What have the members of the CLC done in this instance?

Thanks in advance.

Mike #19861

 Id just replace it. They are pretty cheap and available and it is an easy job.

 But, in the meantime, you can use a small centre punch and strike a small hole in the bearing cover. Then you can put a drop or two of oil in there and it should at least temporaily eliminate the noise. Not a permanent fix, but it will at least contribute to safer levels of sanity.


Randall Ayers McGrew CLC # 17963

Yeah and I need all the help I can get in 2005.  At least the Eldo sits up level and runs nicely (sucks gas but oh well...there it is).  

Thanks Mike.  I will try that.  I get from the manual that pulling the unit is indeed not difficult.  

I have a list of other little jobs to do as well.  But I will save those for other posts.  I like to file them separately.  <G>

George Woodford clc21025

Replace it.  It is not work the trouble to try to fix it.  Buy the Siemans model that is identical to your OEM for less than $20.

Randall Ayers McGrew CLC # 17963

Great idea!  Thanks, George.  Siemans was a printer outfit I worked with for years...wonder if its the same group?  I will check NAPA for it.  Or online, where I am sure to find one!

George Woodford clc21025