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1931 Cadillac 355A Convertible Coupe

Started by 31caddy, August 03, 2017, 06:51:35 PM

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R. Rowland CLC #28971

1931 Model 355A Sedan (Recently sold)
1931 Model 355A Fleetwood 4535 Convertible Coupe
2005 Cadillac XLR

Steve Passmore

My goodness Rich, you don't let the grass grow under your feet. Fantastic job you made of the car.     Colin is still enjoying the 36 coupe you sold him. (we won't mention the make ;D)   Hope your next one is another Cadillac?

1937 60 convertible coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe
1941 62 coupe

1936 70 Sport coupe
1937 85 series V12 sedan
1938 60 coupe
1938 50 coupe
1939 60S
1940 62 coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe x2
1941 61 coupe
1941 61 sedan x2
1941 62 sedan x2
1947 62 sedan
1959 62 coupe


R. Rowland CLC #28971

1931 Model 355A Sedan (Recently sold)
1931 Model 355A Fleetwood 4535 Convertible Coupe
2005 Cadillac XLR

Carl Fielding

Rick , I don't know whether to offer congratulations , or condolences. What magnificent work you do ! I wish you could keep ALL your masterpieces , or that I could afford to buy them from you ! I echo Steve's curiosity over what you take on next !   - Carl

Paul van Acker#18204#

Former restoration of Rick's Cadillac 1931 355A sedan is now for sale.
SOLD!!!!!! :)

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Thanks to all for your kind remarks. I've got my eye on a couple of cars. I'll never qualify as a collector. as I don't have the resources or room to have more than one or two at a time. These two cars and the 36 brand X coupe sold to Colin would all have been keepers if it were possible. Nevertheless, it keeps me happy and busy. Perhaps I AM a collector....I've had a lot of good at a time lol. Thanks again.
R. Rowland CLC #28971

1931 Model 355A Sedan (Recently sold)
1931 Model 355A Fleetwood 4535 Convertible Coupe
2005 Cadillac XLR