Cadillac & LaSalle Club Discussion Forum

Cadillac & LaSalle Club Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: planetcadillac on June 01, 2012, 05:24:03 PM

Title: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: planetcadillac on June 01, 2012, 05:24:03 PM
I have registered for the GN just this week due to my schedule. If anyone has an option on a room at the host hotel for Friday & Saturday night for 1 person that would be great. Otherwise I will hunt in the greater area. Fortunately, my 83 Eldorado isn't as valuable as a `56 so I am not as concerned. Reply or send me a direct email to planetcadillac(at)


-Craig #17308
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Joe Gildea #3736 on June 01, 2012, 09:00:57 PM
Hi Craig -
I have 4 nights at the host hotel - Wed thru Sat nights.
I'd be glad to share the Fri and Sat nights with you.
- Joe Gildea
cell 603-498-1917
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: planetcadillac on June 01, 2012, 09:19:25 PM
I sent you a PM Joe. That would be swell. Even though I am registered from my CLC address in Charlotte, NC; in fact I am coming from Puerto Rico to attend this so it has tested my logistical limits arranging myself and the car to arrive in Orlando Friday morning.
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Ed on June 03, 2012, 12:05:44 PM
Craig, last time I check the hotel next to the host hotel had vacancies. I'm going from Miami with my 84 Eldo convertible. Let me know if you need help with anything else. I'll be more than happy to make myself available. I will be there on Thursday. 

Ed Nieves
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: planetcadillac on June 03, 2012, 08:28:58 PM
Thanks Ed. I DID book the last room at special rate at the overflow COMFORT INN SUITES it was $79 at

I am young (34) so I don't mind moving around and the car is not that old (83) so I am not so concerned. Fact of the matter is that I AM THERE...

I am flying into Dulles Thursday morning and taking the AutoTrain down to Sanford FL (slightly north of Orlando) and driving the 90 minutes from the train station to the hotel. Leaving back on Sunday afternoon on the AutoTrain. Quite a nifty arrangement I think. Hardly any driving on the car and well sit back and enjoy.

I was in Columbus, OH last year there were like 9 79-85 Eldo/Sevilles. The 70+ cars are really starting to show up.

QUESTION: For those that are more familiar with the arragements, I assume there will be an assigned spot for our registered cars on the show field?
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Ed on June 04, 2012, 09:37:01 AM
I'm staying at the Comfort Suites as well. It's only a hop and skip away. Craig, I'm not sure, but most of these usually have assigned spaces. This is my first GN, so I'm just guessing here.

Look forward to meeting you.
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: planetcadillac on June 04, 2012, 10:35:40 AM
Likewise Ed. Be on the lookout for a cream colored Eldorado Biarritz. Since mine is 1983 and yours is 1984, they should be parked very near.

I have been something of a veteran since been attending for 10 years (not every year) since the Cadillac 100 in Detroit in 2002. Parking usually depends on the venue and how aggressive the host committee organizes the show field. In 2002, which was probably the biggest in sheer number of cars, you had an assigned space and were more or less expected to leave your car there the whole time. 2007 was a bit of a mess the hotel used a deck and it rained some of the time so basically it was a free for all. Last year, in Columbus, I came only for the Saturday show and parked basically near "my years" as I could.

The Auto Trains are scheduled to arrive at 930AM. Delays are possible but I anticipate getting to the hotel around 12. Checking in, heading to registration and parking the vehicle. Doing some last minute cleaning, etc. and basically enjoying the showfield for most of the of the day. Same with Saturday. The hotel as a breakfast (let me know if you go to that Ed I will join) and head to the field. This year I did not sign up for any tours. In the absence of additional days, I like to peruse the show field leisurely talking to car owners, etc. Usually do the older cars first day and newer cars on show day so that I may be close to my car for judging.

Last year I made the mistake (well it was made luck really) of going through a touchless car wash to spray car off before the meet in Columbus and somehow the pressure of the water took the left rear taillight lens off my car. I was able to go in and retrieve it but it was cracked so I was able to get a BAD LUCK pass from the judge. lol  :)

The meets are fun, I go mainly because I like to look at the cars. Mine is in fine fine condition but lately there have been so many cars in the newer classes that its almost impossible to win anything now. I go to ALOT of car shows, both in the mainland and in PR, but few Cadillacs are represented.

There is one show that my car (but not me) will be attending in July. A large event in Columbus Ohio (I attended in 2010) about 1,500 cars. One of the featured marques this year is Cadillac which is nice for a change. A relative is taking my car up there along with theirs to give it some exercise while I am away. For those that might complain about the promotion of another event... Former President and Board Member Richard Sills wrote the historical prologue for this event which can be seen on the website.

Advice Ed: Bring a lawn chair WITH an umbrella. If you don't have one of those nifty canopy chairs you can by a clamp on umbrella reasonable. As I am sure you know, Florida SUN SUN SUN! I usually bring a small complement of cleaning supplies along for final detail. I offer to share to others I think it adds to the comraderie.
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: quadfins on June 04, 2012, 11:29:44 AM
In 2008 at Cherry Hill, and last year at Columbus, we had assigned, numerical spaces. They were about 1 1/2 spaces wide, allowing plenty of room to work, and facilitated easy access for spectators. It also kept the cars in proper year/class sections, at least for the Primary divisions. I guess the judges for senior cars had to commute between locations, but they would have been easy to find. It really did help to have an assigned spot. I am curious about the arrangements this year - I guess we'll find out in a week.

Looking forward to another great time!!!

Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Ed on June 04, 2012, 04:32:50 PM
Guys thank for the info and advise. Craig, have you ever removed your door panels? I need to remove or loosen my driver side, so I can reconnect my door courtesy light.   ???
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Mike Josephic CLC #3877 on June 04, 2012, 05:11:52 PM
They always have assigned, numbered spots to group each class
at the GN's.  By class I mean, for example, Class 15 which is '54 - '56.
The info with your assigned space is usually in the registration packet
you receive at the hotel.

That way, the judging is a bit easier.  The Primary cars are always
grouped well but as someone mentioned the Senior cars can be a
bit scattered and away from them.

This would be #23 for me but unfortunately I can't attend this year.

Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: C.R. Patton II on June 04, 2012, 06:33:45 PM

Hello Mike

Your presence, personality, and expertise will be missed at the Grand National. Keep your eyes on this forum because I plan to keep you posted on the beauty queens arriving to the show field!
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Glen on June 05, 2012, 01:54:14 AM
I won’t be there either due to a family reunion too close in time to the GN. 

I was looking forward to revisiting Mayport where I spent a lot of my enlistment in the Navy. 
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: veesixteen on June 05, 2012, 08:17:11 AM
Craig, Gita and I were holding a couple of rooms in the overflow hotel until yesterday (we have accommodation with friends in Jacksonville). They may still be available if you or someone else needs them. See you anon.
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Ed on June 05, 2012, 09:38:16 PM
I may take you up on that.


Ed Nieves
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: planetcadillac on June 05, 2012, 09:39:02 PM
Hi Yann,

Thankfully I booked at the overflow so no problems! Priceline came through with a great deal I couldn't believe it.

Nice to see you and Gita, please stop by my yellow Eldorado when you tour the field, I am sure that you have seen it over time.

The small Buick wagon is still going strong over the last 8 years that I have owned it closing in on 225,000 and everything looks good and works. Currently being caretaken by my former admin while I am offshore.

Glen, you are not attending GN? That is like maybe the first time. No CML reunion then, I am not sure there is any anymore since that mailgroup is about dead. Coming from Hawaii it was always a test of logistics that I envied. Now I know the feeling with a car!

At the Detroit GN they used drive-thru judging stations to deal with the sheer volume, luckily I was IN FRONT of an ambulance who backed up the line while everyone went through all the bells and whistles... Most of the time a team comes to you and checks everything. In Savannah you drove under a car park and they checked everything BUT the undercarriage. I do not complain, THE KEY IS FUN, but consistancy is a good virtue.

ED: I have removed door panels. If you want to PM me or email planetcadillac(at) I will further discuss. It is really not that bad. They are held on by the usual GM plastic christmas-tree tabs.
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Ed on June 06, 2012, 02:22:48 PM
Craig, could not find you on the member list. There is a CraigC, but no Seman. Anyhow, here is my e-mal: Just need a little guidance with those panels.


Ed Nieves
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Glen on June 07, 2012, 01:07:24 AM
After Craig’s comment about the number of GNs I have attended I thought I would console myself about not going to this year’s GN by making a list of the ones I have attended.  Then I figured I would also list the ones I missed.  One thing led to another and I ended up with a list of what I believe to be a complete list of Grand Nationals, where they were and the dates. 

The first part of the list contains information from a post on this forum.  Sorry I don’t remember who posted it.  1983 and later are from the Self Starter. 

So incase anybody is interested here is the list.  The asterisk indicates Grand Nationals that I have attended. 

From a post in the CLC forums
1977/78: Multi-Region Meets. Indy
1979, Multi-Region Meets St. Louis
1980: The first "real" GN was in Indy.
1981 I think was in SoCal. 
1982 New England Region's meet in RI

From Self Starter
1983 Dearborn Michigan Aug 25 - 28
1984 San Francisco California Aug 8 - 11
1985 Valley Forge Pennsylvania Aug 8 -10
1986 Fort Worth Texas June 26 - 29
1987 Seattle Washington July 29 - Aug 2
1988 Schaumberg, Illinois July 28 - 30
1989 Newton Massachusetts Aug 10 - 13
*1990 Carson City Nevada July 25 - 29
1991 Cincinnati Ohio, Aug 14 - 17
*1992 Phoenix Arizona June 10 - 14
1993 Lancaster Pennsylvania July 29 - 31
*1994 Seattle Washington Aug 10 - 14
1995 Albany New York July 19 - 22
*1996 Dallas Texas June 26 - 29
1997 Chicago Illinois Aug 13 - 16
1998 Long Island New York July 15 - 18
*1999 Santa Clara California June 16 - 19
2000 Warwick RI July 26 - 29
*2001 Denver Colorado Aug 8 - 12
*2002 Detroit Michigan Aug 4 -11
2003 Saratoga New York July 9 - 12
2004 South Bend, Indiana June 23 - 26
2005 Des Moines Iowa Aug 3 - 6
*2006 Orange California June 14 - 17
*2007 Savanna Georgia Aug 1 - 4
2008 Cherry Hill NJ Aug 12 - 16
*2009 Las Vegas NV June 17 - 20
*2010 Kansas City MO. July 14 - 17
*2011 Columbus Ohio Aug 10 - 13
2012 Saint Augustine, FL, June 13 - 16

Future GNs from CLC web site
2013 Boston, MA Jul 31 â€"Aug 3, 2013
2014 Lake George, NY Jul 8â€"12, 2014

Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: veesixteen on June 08, 2012, 07:42:37 AM
Interesting, Glen.  Good work!  Sorry we will miss you this year. You certainly have attended more than your fair share of GNs. Even though Gita and I have been members for 40 years, still we have been able to attend only a half dozen of these events.
Title: Re: GN Hotel Room Needed Florida
Post by: Jay Friedman on June 12, 2012, 08:38:12 AM
Today I'm leaving for the GN in St. Augustine from my home near Atlanta.  This will my 16th and the 14th to which I'll drive my '49.  Plan on going to Boston next year and NY in '14 too.