Does anyone know what years and models the Goddess Hood Ornament was available? Thanks!
Everyone on this forum needs to reacquaint themselves with Yann Saunder's lifetime legacy to our marque. . . The Cadillac Database.
OK, I am guilty of not checking the database first! I got the range of years the Goddess was used, but only could determine models is was used on for 1957-1959 (Eldorado Brougham). Was it used exclusively for V16's from 1930 to 1933, and an option on any model thereafter until 1957? Can someone put a finer point on the years and models that featured the Goddess?
The '59 Eldorado Brougham I believe was the last production car with one.
All models had them. Don't think it was ever just an option.
I can not believe that '69 hood ornament is correct - Should probably have lights hooked to it.
In the 1930s, both the goddess and the heron were used. The "trumpeter" was (I believe) used on LaSalle generally, but I may be wrong. The 1950s goddesses were more and more streamlined up until 1956. Then 1957/58 used "bunny ears." I don't believe any 1959 up cars used "goddesses" except for adding the JC Whitney 1941 Reproduction ones. (I got out my copy of Roy's book, and indeed there is a goddess on the '59 Brougham but the picture is very small in that area.)
I'm quite partial to the goddess on my 53 (yes, I know she needs to be replated)
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Here is photo Jim Jordan took of my hood and ornament. 1959 Eldorado Brougham.
If I was at the art gallery looking at the 39 goddess I'd call it "expressionist" period . . . The 53 "romantic" and the 59 Brougham the "brutalist" . . Now get me another champagne Daaarrling.!