Does anyone have a wiring diagram for the rear speaker in a 1957 Cadillac? The shop manual doesn't really have anything I can go off of. I plan on replacing my rear speaker soon.
If you are replacing an existing speaker there will be one plug that connects to the speaker and another wire that goes to a body ground.
If you need to run a new wire you can use the factory wiring trough on the passenger side by remo ing the sill molding and lifting he carpet if it's the same as 1960.
Thanks Brian. The current speaker (which is dead) has one green wire with a male connector that connects to the speaker. There aren't any other wires that are attached. I assume this is the power lead and all I would need to do is ground the other?
Car body is ground. You'll see that alot. Dash lights are single positive wire since the whole dash is ground.
Interesting so the one wire to the speaker is all that I need to get it working again? Be nice to have the dual speakers working again
That's it. Remember your dealing with a 60 year old tube radio that was probably never recapped.