Cadillac & LaSalle Club Discussion Forum

Cadillac & LaSalle Club Forums => Want To Buy - Cars => Topic started by: Stefan Bartelski on October 07, 2022, 10:42:30 AM

Title: FORUM RULES - Please read before posting
Post by: Stefan Bartelski on October 07, 2022, 10:42:30 AM
While not a Forum rule, we strongly advise against using your email address as username. While this may be convenient for you, it is also convenient for SPAMMERS, who like to harvest email addresses.

Please note that if you are a CLC member, your username and password at the main site and membership do not automatically carry over to this site. New users will need to create both again at this site. You may use the same username, if available, and password, or not, as you please.

CLC Forum Rules
This Message Forum is to be used to advance the purposes of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club, which are to develop, publish and exchange information pertaining to Cadillacs and LaSalles,
to encourage the maintenance, preservation and restoration of Cadillacs and LaSalles, and to promote social fellowship among Club members.

Rules for posting messages in the forum: