Hi have a 1973 cadillac eldorado the 500cc in engine, mechanic thinks it a stuck float.How do your repair a stuck float on a carb .Thanks Kenny
Originally, it had a brass float in it. It may have gotten a pinhole in it and filled with gas causing it to sink and the engine getting too much fuel dumped into it.
Give Daytona Parts a call and see what they want to go through it, or send you one of their rebuild kits.
They aren't cheap, but they're damned good at what they do.
I assume that there is a problem with flooding or a too rich condition. This can be caused by a number of different problems including a stuck float. The float can get stuck along the fuel bowl if it is bent out of shape. There is clip on the fuel needle that sometimes gets incorrectly attached to the float which can cause the needle to not seat correctly. Another problem that can occur is that a piece of trash gets stuck in the needle/seat which causes the needle to be able to seal correctly. An old nitrophyl float can also absorb fuel and not maintain the correct buoyancy.
The Quadrajet always used the closed cell plastic floats (nitrophyl) from the factory. The brass floats are aftermarket replacements and do not work as well since they have a different buoyancy which might require a different float height.
In general, the best way to solve these problems is to rebuild the carb yourself or have it rebuilt professionally. In either case, insist that replacement parts are ethanol safe (particularly the needle/seat and the plunger for the accelerator pump). Also note that Quadrajet rebuild kits do not usually contain a new float.
Ya whats the symptoms and recent history of this rig? If this is something you have owned for a while and gets somewhat regular use suddenly getting a stuck float isn't anywhere near the top of my list of things to check. I'm not saying its not possible but without some other clues or things ruled out it doesn't seem likely to me.
Give us some recent history including usage and any work done even if it would not seem to be fuel related. Also what do you know about this mechanic? Are they newish to you or the shop? Or have they been the ones you have used for years on many vehicles?