I'm going to try it this way for 2025, as it's a lot of work to e-mail all members who own the years needed.
As CLC members know, The Self-Starter magazine each year publishes retrospectives on Cadillacs that are 50 and 25 years old. This is the first call to members who own 1975 and 2000 Cadillacs of any body style. For the March and May 2025 issues, I need a few photos of your car! High-resolution photos, please. Photos in a vertical format receive consideration for the front cover. For more details, see https://cadillaclasalleclub.org/classified-ads-how-to/ (https://cadillaclasalleclub.org/classified-ads-how-to/)
We would rather show off members' cars than use brochure photos from General Motors. If you have a story about your car, send it in, too. I'll make sure Jeffrey Shively, the editor, gets your article for consideration.
Please send your 1975 and 2000 Cadillac photos to self-starterdesign@cadillaclasalleclub.org. I will confirm every e-mail receipt, so if you don't hear from me in a few days, please try again.
Is there a minimum or maximum size needed?
Cut off date?
Currently owned cars or previously owned?
I'm like many others with Gigs of pictures of our Mistresses.