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1941 ignition switch to you take it apart?!!

Started by kkarrer, October 10, 2011, 10:04:34 AM

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Help!  I need to get the ignition switch cable out and get some keys made and of course I don't want to blast this body with the cable hanging through the firewall either.  The cup at the end of the cable (see picture) looks like it will screw off , but it doesn't.  I can carefully cut around the junction point and mig weld it back together, but I'd rather not.  Any suggestions?  Also, there's no data plate.  I know they had them in '42, how about '41?  I'm getting the car's history researched.  Is there any way to get a data plate made once that's done?

Bob Schuman

The armored cable passes through a large rubber grommet in the firewall. Pop or pry the grommet out of the firewall and pull the ignition switch through the large hole  in the firewall. Don't disassemble the switch, cable, and coil cap at all, unless the wire inside the cable is bad.
To remove the ignition switch from the dash, just unscrew the chrome bezel around the switch, then disconnect the wires attached to the switch.
If you need to replace the large firewall grommet, Steele Rubber has them.
Bob Schuman, CLC#254
Bob Schuman, CLC#254
2017 CT6-unsatisfactory (repurchased by GM)
2023 XT5


    Thanks very much.  I'll get that firewall grommet out and get the cable and assy. out, but yes the wire inside is bad and there's not enough slack in it to repair it without undoing one end or the other.  Maybe the guy who makes the keys will have an idea.
Thanks again,
Ken 41 6227D coupe

Bill Ingler #7799

Hi Ken: Try Marty Watkins in PA. His number s 215-355-1519. He has been the man to go to for this job. It is a bit tricky if you have never done before.    Bill


Thanks!  I just spoke with him.  I need to get a key made and then I'll send it out.
Ken Karrer 1941 6227D coupe