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Wanted 1933-34 Cadillac radiator cap

Started by laseek, August 12, 2012, 07:08:06 PM

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Wanted 1933-34 Cadillac radiator cap
In 1933 Cadillac and LaSalle cars had their radiator caps moved to under the hood.
This cap was used on 1933 & 34( I think ) Cads & on 33 LaSalles.
I suspect that the replacement caps issued by the parts department were not the same.
This is the only item that I have not been able to find in my search for original items
for the past 20 years.    I have only seen one of these caps.   I am getting close to completion of a second restoration of my 1933 LaSalle rumble seat coupe.  The first restoration having been done
in 1972 by the previous owner.  If you know of any possible source of this cap, I would very
much appreciate your help.
Terry Peters
Terry Peters  CLC 877