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WTB: 1960 Eldorado rear air bag

Started by Bigt, September 03, 2013, 11:17:41 AM

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I need a rear air bag for my 60 Eldorado.  Anyone have one for sale?

Joe Puleo CLC #13617

A friend of mine is reproducing them. He will be finished with the rears in about 2 weeks. I will contact you when I have them to sell.
Joe Puleo


Hi Joe,
Do you know how much the new bags are going sell for?


I saw the new ones in this months Hemmings.
Randy George CLC# 26143
1959 Series 62 Convertible
1960 Series 62 Convertible
1964 Deville Convertible
2015 SRX


Hello Air Baggers,

I count myself among the many that flock to any listing about air bags since I purchased the 60 Eldo last year.  Especially so since one of the rears is leaking.  I block the car even overnight but once the engine begins to purr it rises to the occasion (literally).

Thanks for the thread and the resulting information.  Also thanks to David King for calling my attention to this thread.  Time to do the follow up now.

Dennis Dascenzo
1960 Eldorado Biarritz
1970 DeVille Convertible
Director - West Michigan Region