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Wood dash Kits for 68 Eldorado

Started by Forgiven1989, September 01, 2012, 07:43:12 PM

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Does anyone know of a company that makes woods dash kits for a 68 Eldorado? The wood on mine is shot.  Thanks.


The dash piece is reproduced and sold online by a few places.  I've seen it priced from $59-$69 dollars.   It doesn't come stained though.    The 68 Eldorados (and Devilles) used a rosewood veneer.

If you buy one, let us know how easy it was to replace.   Mine is presentable, but could use replacing to be perfect.     What I really need to find is the door veneers.  :(


Thanks David.  I ordered one today.  They are on back order. I'll try to remember to let you know how it turns out.  Dave