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60 DeVille Wiper Arms

Started by, September 02, 2012, 09:18:10 AM

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I have checked a few places and will keep looking but I was wondering if anyone could suggest a place to buy the left and right wiper arms for my 60 De Ville? I have found some that are stainless and are adjustable, but usually say something about being for the left only. Are they two different types/lengths? I have one that is busted and have to fix to get on the road but would prefer the real deal versus an adjustable aftermarket that I will have to replace again later. Also can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get them off and back on. I messed with them right before I went to work, with little progress, and now I am sitting in Brazil at work.

Thanks for any help!

Ken Perry

Hi, I think I have some wiper arms for a 1960 Cadillac. Also have info on how to take them off and on.It would be easyer to talk on the phone about and explain how to work on them. My number is 661-764-6264 Ken Perry
Cadillac Ken

Hey Ken, Thanks for the reply. I tried to call but when i call it varies as to what number shows up. Sometimes it comes up as a New York number, other times a Houston number, and the strangest is when it is the actual number from the rig here. Its a Brazil number and starts with a 55 then a 22 or something. Anyway just let me know if you have a minute. I am also two hours ahead of Central time so i hope you have a minute to talk later. I did, by the way, find a single wiper on EBay and bought it. Do you have a set, and any help on the removal would be great.

Ken Perry

Hi,just got your message. Don't know why the number is doing that,people call from all over the U.S. and they get through ! If I had your number I can call you. You could Email it to me  and I will try to call tomaro. Ken Perry
Cadillac Ken