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Help me in Sherman oaks ca?

Started by Gary Christensen CLC # 21112, September 12, 2012, 08:13:21 PM

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Gary Christensen CLC # 21112


There's an eldorado in Sherman Oaks that I'm considering.  Are there any local club members that could take a look for me?  Or is there a suggestion of a mechanic that could?  I'm in ct.

Antoni Deighton

If you don't get any other replies, I can go and take a look at it with a camera. But you might want to hold out for someone with more experience first! PM me if you need me to check it out -- Cheers, Antoni
Antoni Deighton - CLC# 25867
1967 Cadillac Eldorado - (Grecian White)
1978 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham - (Arizona Beige)
1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GT - (Bluette)

Chris Conklin

Would it happen to be a triple black '68? I looked at it a couple weeks ago for another poster on the Forum.  Let me know, I'll email you some pics and info.
Chris Conklin

Gary Christensen CLC # 21112


Yes, it's triple black.  I'll PM you.  Thanks!!


Gary Christensen CLC # 21112


You may be off the hook.  Thanks for your offer.
