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Wanted to buy : 1971 cadillac limousine.

Started by aldixon, January 07, 2013, 09:54:39 AM

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hello and good morning !

I am looking to buy a 1971 cadillac limousine. I do not want a restoration project , but rather a limo that is in good condition and ready to go. If anyone knows of one available, please contact me. I'm located in PA.

thanks in advance.
albert dixon


someone sent me an email in reference to selling their 1969 cadillac limo. I apologize, I no longer have the email nor the contact info , if you're reading this, please contact me again. Thanks.

C.R. Patton II

Hello Albert

Try contacting the Professional Car Society. I hope you are successful.
All good men own a Cadillac but great gentlemen drive a LaSalle. That is the consequence of success.