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Motor City Region - Upholstery Shop

Started by gmurph, October 24, 2013, 07:27:07 PM

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I have a colleague at work that has a '60 6 Wondow Sedan Deville. He is looking for a recommendation on an upholstery shop to redo his interior. From what he says, all but the headliner need to be redone and he want to be as close to original.

He lives in the Saline area, but it open depending on recommendations.

Greg Murphy CLC#24416

1941 60S
1952 Dodge B3F
1972 Coupe de Ville


I recommend Mark Larder Upholstery in Homer, MI, about 60 miles west on Saline, MI.  Address: 411 W Main St, Homer, MI 49245
Phone:(517) 568-4534.  He did a beautiful job on my 1937 Cadillac Sedan.  He has done cars that have gone to Pebble Beach.  But his prices certainly won't be the cheapest!   
Gene Menne
CLC #474