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1947 Cadillac jack

Started by ryder4u, December 05, 2013, 12:50:51 PM

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I'm looking for a 1946 /47 jack . Almost finished the last details of a long restoration.
Denis Fieldwalker   13145


Do you have a picture of what the jack should look like? I might have one. I think it is for either 47, 48 or 49. It is in 100% restored condition. I need one for a 38.


My 47 sedan has an original bumper jack.  It’s not for sale.  I know it's original because the base bottom has a patent number 2,400,235 which was filed in 1945 and issued in 1946. The lift mechanism is stamped “patent applied for.”

PDF copies of the patent diagram, the base bottom and assembly are attached.


I'll take a look at mine tomorrow and compare.


It's interesting how you can date antique car parts with patent numbers.  I couldn't find the patent for the lift mechanism because the PTO website can't keyword search pre-1976 patents.  You can only retrieve the patent if you have the number. 

Usually if a patent application has been filed the part will say “patent pending.”  In this case, the lift mechanism says “patent applied for.”  When the patent was granted for the lift mechanism, Walker Manufacturing would have stamped its patent number on it.  The patent term is 14 to 17 years, so the base would of could have the patent number stamped on it as late as 1962.

This car also had its original spare tire.  It had its patent numbers which were applied for in 1937 and granted in 1941. This tire would have be sold from 1941 to 1958.


Hi Joe, Thanks for reply on a 1947 Cadillac jack. The photo shown by r2law 's reply is a 1947 so if yours looks like that I would interested in it.Bill Ingler also sent a photo of a 47 jack and it checks out as the same type.
Denis  13145


I finally got to pull the jack out and it is not the same. A much simpler designed base.