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Started by Jon S, March 23, 2014, 04:32:01 PM

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Jon S

Who knows the correct sequence for installing a new filter and gasket in a glass bowl filter assembly?

1958 Cadillac Sedan De Ville
1973 Lincoln Continental Coupe
1981 Corvette
2004 Mustang GT

John Washburn CLC 1067 Sadly deceased.


What I found is that the NAPA gas filter for the glass bowl is good but the gasket not so much. So I ordered a thicker larger diameter gasket, from NAPA,  and now life is good.

If you want details let me know.

The Johnny
John Washburn
CLC #1067
1937 LaSalle Coupe
1938 6519F Series Imperial Sedan
1949 62 Series 4 Door
1949 60 Special Fleetwood
1953 Coupe DeVille
1956 Coupe DeVille
1992 Eldorado Touring Coupe America Cup Series