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Thank You Carl Steig, Congratulations Bill Anderson: New Deputy Chief Judge

Started by Jason Edge, April 29, 2014, 10:50:25 AM

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Jason Edge

A BIG THANK YOU to Carl Steig for serving as Deputy Chief Judge for many, many years.
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO Bill Anderson on his pending appointment as the new Deputy Chief Judge. 

Per Lars Kneller's Message in the May Self Starter which just arrived, Bill is replacing Carl Steig who served the CLC as Chief Judge for 25-plus years and is stepping down.  While I have only briefly met and talked with Carl at the Boston GN in 2013 while serving as a judge, anyone with any length of membership in our club would be hard pressed not to know of and appreciate his vast contribution to the club.  His enormous contribution to our judging system and manual, and making it "Logical, Methodical, and Fair", has greatly enhanced the club experience for everyone.   I have the utmost respect for anyone that has worked so hard for so long to help make the CLC "The Premier Car Club" and wish him the best of luck in the future and look forward to carrying on his legacy as a judge and participant at the CLC Grand National Car Shows.

According to Lars' article, Bill's appointment is pending board approval at the next board meeting, however, I am hopeful and confident it will be confirmed. I know Bill on several levels in my capacity as director of the 1963/64 Cadillac Chapter and Class 20 Authenticity Manual Lead, and sometimes supplier to his Restoration Business:

Bill is the CLC Director of Technical Services, CLC and CMCMRC Board Member and leads the Authenticity Manual Projects. He is also owner of, Anderson Automotive Enterprises, a professional restoration company, and is responsible for this past years Class 20 Primary Winner - Chapter Member Jim Verraster's 1963 Park Avenue.  He is also an honorary member of our 1963/64 Cadillac Chapterl and consider him a mentor for all things involving restoration and authenticity.

Bill is also this past year's recipient of the  Distinguished Service Award which you can see him accepting from CLC president Lars Kneller below:

Jason Edge
Lifetime Member
Exec Vice President
1963/64 Cadillac Chapter Director -
Carolina Region Webmaster -
CLC MRC Benefactor
email -
1964 Coupe DeVille - Sierra Gold -
2002 Escalade EXT - Black
2013 Escalade EXT Premium Edition - Xenon Blue
2022 XT5 Luxury Premium - Dark Moon Blue Metallic

Dan LeBlanc

I met both at the GN last year in Boston also.  Both very fine upstanding gentlemen. 

We all have to agree, Carl's dedication to the club is unsurpassed and that Bill will do a fine job continuing to steer the ship.

Thank you Carl, and best to you Bill.  You've got some big shoes to fill and you'll be fine.
Dan LeBlanc
1977 Lincoln Continental Town Car

C.R. Patton II

All good men own a Cadillac but great gentlemen drive a LaSalle. That is the consequence of success.

Barry M Wheeler #2189

I was the first "National Chief Judge" at the first Lancaster GN. Many times, I have thanked God that Carl took my place after only one year. He did so much that I would have never dreamed of. That was also the first year of the original car trophy. The two of us spent a good hour on top of that garage marching back and forth between a 1955 Fleetwood and a 1949 Cadillac checking first this and then that after we narrowed our choice down to those two. If one was better in one area, the other was better in the other. I forget which one we finally chose. I think the '49, as it was the older. That was one of our many learning occasions. Again, thanks Carl.

P.S, Any Director dumb enough to NOT approve Bill to the position gets the job... Thanks to you, Bill, for making our choice easy.
Barry M. Wheeler #2189

1981 Cadillac Seville
1991 Cadillac Seville


I first met Carl on a plane in 1992 going from Denver to Phoenix on my way to a GN.  I was sitting on the aisle seat and I saw the guy one row forward and on the other side of the aisle reading a copy of the Self Starter.  I pulled out my copy and got his attention and said “I know where you are going.”  We talked a while and I told him my name.  After our talk he pulled out a copy of the CLC directory and after a while he tapped the page and nodded his head.  I knew he had just verified I was a member. 

That is one of the things that makes him a good Deputy Chief Judge. He verifies everything.   It has always been good to see and talk to him at the GNs.   
Glen Houlton CLC #727 
CLCMRC benefactor #104