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41 60 arrangement of plug wires

Started by mr41cadillac, April 29, 2014, 03:13:17 PM

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I put 12 volt battery in my new rebuilt engine but it wont fire off. im not sure about the plug wires. can someone tell me exactly how they run from the cap to each side of the engine. the manual says cylinders are numbered but not for the firing order, its a little confusing thanks john

Bill Ingler #7799

Hi John: Back to basics and before I post some pictures showing plug wires. What I have posted below are two pictures from a Cad manual. Picture 1 shows the firing order in the left lower portion of the picture. The rotor inside the cap turns clockwise so firing order is 1.8,7,3,6,5, 4, 2. Now look at picture 2. First look at the small picture showing the distributor with cap off. This is about what your distributor will look like placed in your engine if you were looking straight down on the engine. Now the distributor cap can only fit one way on the distributor as the cap has a square protrusion that fits in the square opening of the distributor at the front cap spring hold. Now look at the small picture showing the cap as if it were on the distributor. I numbered each spark pug hole that accepts the plug wire from that # spark plug/ cylinder. Remember the cylinders in your engine numbered as follows:  odd number cylinders on left side of engine or drivers side of engine. Even number cylinders on right side of engine or passenger side of car.  I follow this with another posting showing the plug wires and how they leave the cap and go to the cylinders.  If I were you I would take a little piece of masking tap and places it beside each plug hole in the cap and number that spark plug hole. Easy to get the wrong plug wire in the wrong hole in the cap.       Bill

Steve Passmore

Its quite simple. Work out the firing order from the distributor cap clockwise and take each lead to the corresponding plug according to the firing order.  Cylinders are numbered front to back left right left right but firing order has to match the cap.

1937 60 convertible coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe
1941 62 coupe

1936 70 Sport coupe
1937 85 series V12 sedan
1938 60 coupe
1938 50 coupe
1939 60S
1940 62 coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe x2
1941 61 coupe
1941 61 sedan x2
1941 62 sedan x2
1947 62 sedan
1959 62 coupe

Bill Ingler #7799

John: Picture 1 shows the left bank. Remember the left bank of cylinders is numbered 1,3,5,7. Picture 2 is right bank numbered 2,4,6,8.   Bill


thanks bill and steve. I routed plug wires as you said but it still wont fire off. it turns over real good. I still don't have any wires to the generator or voltage regulator but I  thought it would start without them . any advice appreciated john

Steve Passmore

You don't need these things connected John, it's spark will come from the battery. Make sure you have power to the coil with the ignition on. Make sure you have fuel squirting in the carb, check for spark at the plugs.

1937 60 convertible coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe
1941 62 coupe

1936 70 Sport coupe
1937 85 series V12 sedan
1938 60 coupe
1938 50 coupe
1939 60S
1940 62 coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe x2
1941 61 coupe
1941 61 sedan x2
1941 62 sedan x2
1947 62 sedan
1959 62 coupe

Bill Ingler #7799

Hi John: Let me add to Steve`s suggestions. His last is to make sure you have spark at the plugs. Please look at what I have circled in the picture below. I find it best to use #8 plug wire to run this test to see if you have spark. Please get back to us with the results and John please keep telling yourself over and over "Yes working on an old car is fun"    Bill

Steve Passmore

This is going to be something simple like no spark coming from the distributor. Many times I have fitted new points only to find they won't spark and you have to clean them up the points with solvent to remove manufacturing lubricant.

1937 60 convertible coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe
1941 62 coupe

1936 70 Sport coupe
1937 85 series V12 sedan
1938 60 coupe
1938 50 coupe
1939 60S
1940 62 coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe x2
1941 61 coupe
1941 61 sedan x2
1941 62 sedan x2
1947 62 sedan
1959 62 coupe


bill, steve thanks again. I hope today I have time to work on it. the pictures have been great and have fixed a lot on this car so far. I will let you know. john


ok bill and steve,  I got a tester and hooked it up to a plug  and the other end to the wire going to distributor. on cranking engine made what sounded like a backfire one time and blew a bunch of rust out the pipe. the tester light flashed one bright flash, then  3-5 very weak flashes . same scenario on repeated attempts. then I got a new coil from napa and had the same result. I even switched the coil wires but nothing. im assuming the correct  hookup is ignition wire to positive on the coil negative to distributor. any ideas ? thanks john

Steve Passmore


1937 60 convertible coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe
1941 62 coupe

1936 70 Sport coupe
1937 85 series V12 sedan
1938 60 coupe
1938 50 coupe
1939 60S
1940 62 coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe x2
1941 61 coupe
1941 61 sedan x2
1941 62 sedan x2
1947 62 sedan
1959 62 coupe

Bill Ingler #7799

John: Remember the 41 has a positive ground electrical system so the positive post of your battery goes to ground. Now from the battery to your ignition switch will be negative. The wire from your ignition switch to your coil is negative so it is hooked to the - negative post on the coil. The wire then from the coil to the distributor on a positive ground car must always be hooked to the + post on the coil. On a negative ground car it will be just the opposite. In addition to what Steve said on the condenser also check the gap setting on the points and are they opening and closing correctly. While you are inside the distributor, check the condition of the wires, especially the one I marked in red. That is a ground wire. If after a new condenser you still get what sounded like from your description like a backfire. Then I would think it could go back to engine timing.   Bill



latest. i had the wires to the coil wrong. also i think i had all plug wires one space wrong.  it ran a few seconds and died.  cranked and tried to run  againbut died. its running of course only on the battery so i guess thats why its dieing out. my battery needs charging so tomorrow im at it again. thanks again  any other tips appreciated. getting closer to that good feeling when, as we all know, when something gets fixed. john

Bill Ingler #7799

John: That sounds good. Please keep us advised.   Bill


the 41 Cadillac 60 runs ! after 2.5 years of toil sweat blood and almost tears she runs and runs sweet. this car has notrun since 1981. after a complete engine rebuild ,  I still have a few things to do. only leak I see is where the distributor base sits in engine. I guess theres a gasket ? also I need to hook up the wires to the generator and voltage regulator. anyhow thanks to everyone on here who over the last 2.5 years patiently explained how to fix things. as we all know when it works its a satisfaction unmatched. especial thanks the mr bill ingler for his many pictures and explanations that paved the way. im sure I will have more questions  thanks john

Bill Ingler #7799

Hi John: Congratulation on getting the car running. To honor that accomplishment of bringing that engine back to life I think I will have a beer in honor of the car, then one for you, might as well make it two for you. See, it paid off big time to keep saying to yourself, Yes I am having fun working on old cars. If you have more questions, keep asking as I have more pictures and more beer.     Bill