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390 front motor mounts position

Started by paulkersey, July 05, 2014, 01:46:15 AM

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OK. So I am putting on new mounts. Of course I don't have pictures of when I removed the old ones.

Looks like they fit one of two ways:

Shop manual drawing shows drivers side forward most cast iron boss in front of steel mount tab(s).( No pass. side visible).

This is how I mounted both sides. With the steel behind the cast iron. Pass side shown.

I have seen youtube 390 tear downs with the steel mount in front the forward most cast iron boss so??

I looks like it would move the mount center stud about 1/2 " fwd or back depending on what side of the cast iron leaf one mounts to.
J. Wicks # 19583

Roger Zimmermann

That question is coming on a regular basis! Unfortunately, I don't have pictures but I remember that one support in in front of the cast iron, the other one at the rear (but which one?). When assembled, the stud from each mount must be at the same distance from the rear of the engine or any fixed point.
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Dan LeBlanc

The driver's side is forward of the boss however the passenger side is behind.  I have pictures somewhere, just to find them.
Dan LeBlanc
1977 Lincoln Continental Town Car


1959 shop manual sec 9-1 fig. 9-1 shows Drivers mount illustrated cast iron in front.

I put both mounts forward cast iron engine boss in front.

Measurement mount stud on center to bellhousing face:

D 19 1/4"
P18 3/4"

If the drivers side mount tab was in front of the front engine boss,the 19 1/4" would increase to 19 3/4" from bell mount.

If Pass side mount tab  remained behind the front engine boss as in my pic the distance would remain 18 3/4" 1" difference

It seems one of them has to move to give a final 19 1/4" or 18 3/4" for both from stud on center to bell mount.
like you said roger..which one?
Since the manual shows the D mount behind (19 1/4" to bell) I am inclined to move the Pass forward of the engine cast mount to
equal things up.
So, Is 19 1/4"   is the correct measurement for both from stud center to bell face?

J. Wicks # 19583

Dan LeBlanc

The mounts are staggered as the bosses on the block are not directly across from each other. Not staggering them will cause the engine to sit cockeyed in the car.
Dan LeBlanc
1977 Lincoln Continental Town Car



Which way do I stagger? You wrote drivers side mount should be front of cast iron. The manual shows the mount behind the cast iron.

if I move the Pass. side in front of the boss and leave the Drivers behind the boss, both will be centered at 19 1/4" from bell mount and will be staggered.

OK, I did it. Drivers mount tab behind front cast boss, Passenger side mount tabs in front of front cast boss. This gives 19 1/4" on center stud to bellhousing mount for both and in my mind is the only way.

Thanks all.
J. Wicks # 19583