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Rocky Mountain Region August 2014 Newsletter

Started by Wayne Shmitka #20374, August 03, 2014, 02:13:50 PM

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Wayne Shmitka #20374

Greetings All,

In this issue you will find:
John Serfling's epic story of his trip in his '63 Convertible through Monument Vally, UT.
Regional Tour to Mount Rushmore, SD reminder.
Simm's Steakhouse "Happy Hour" recap.
Tour of Leonard and Nancy Johnson's "chicken coup" storage facility.

Rocky Mountain Region Newsletter Editor
1992 Allante

Mike Baillargeon #15848

All your RMR cars look great!

But that Copper 1955 Eldorado is just like the one that put the Cadillac hook into me all those decades ago!

I'm hoping the owner can PM me..........I'd love to see more pictures of that car!

Mike Baillargeon  #15848