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1992 Cadillac Brougham

Started by gosharehim, March 02, 2015, 09:48:58 PM

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I have a 1992 Cadillac Brougham with 249000 miles.  Runs great but I need to sell it.  I just am low on funds and I'm selling most of my Cadillacs.  Some will be restoration projects as I have two from the 80s sitting at my farm.  One is a De ville Sedan and I believe the other is also.  Both should run as I drove them and parked them a few years ago.  Also have and 80s Brougham that was wrecked with passenger side damage.  But it might be a good parts car.  Thanks for any help you can give me. 


Gary please post a location and more info and pics Thanks JeRita
Jerry and Rita Trapani #15725 Caddymaniacs


Stockton, KS location.  Call me 785-302-8230 for more info.  Thanks-- G. Overley


Another picture:  G. Overley
