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Scratched paint restoration

Started by Barry M Wheeler #2189, March 22, 2015, 08:59:10 AM

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Barry M Wheeler #2189

Some time ago, there was a lengthy treatise about one of you experts restoring the original paint on his car. I tried a word search and had no luck. The hood on the Seville that I am buying is lightly scratched here and there and I'd love to be able to remove them. The color is a rich brown and should shine up well if the proper procedure is used. I've got a jar of clay but I don't want to start doing something willy-nilly when the "right way" is somewhere on the Forum.

The procedure took several pages and I'd rather not have the author take the time to redo the posting when we could bump it up to the front again. Thanks for putting on your thinking caps.
Barry M. Wheeler #2189

1981 Cadillac Seville
1991 Cadillac Seville

chris cunliffe

I remember the post and recall that it involved Meguiar's No 7 glaze.I believe the original post has been deleted but if you go on YouTube and type in Meguiar's No 7 you will find lots of videos which should help.
1957 Eldorado Seville #967


There is a detailed and photo intensive post on another forum about restoring single stage paint that is oxidized/scratched/etc.  I don't know the rules about posting links to other forums on here, but if you google...

"the secret to removing oxidation and restoring a show car finish to antique single stage paints"'ll find the link and get step-by-step instructions on how to get that out.  I'm getting ready to do everything on that post once my engine rebuild is complete.

Dan LeBlanc

Barry, you've seen my Fleetwood, so you know how the paint looks.  Here's what I've done.

1.  Wash the car
2.  Go over the entire car with Pinnacle detailer's clay
3.  Hand done the whole car with Pinnacle paint cleansing lotion
4.  Used a Meguiars dual action polisher with a polishing pad and Pinnacle swirl remover
5.  Used the same polisher with a finishing pad and Pinnacle finishing compound
6.  3 coats of Pinnacle wax.

Love this stuff and works great on dark cars.  Bought all my stuff from AutoGeek.
Dan LeBlanc
1977 Lincoln Continental Town Car

Barry M Wheeler #2189

Barry M. Wheeler #2189

1981 Cadillac Seville
1991 Cadillac Seville