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'59-'60 shift pointer

Started by David Greenburg, December 29, 2015, 03:06:51 PM

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David Greenburg

A friend of mine needs a straight '59-60 shift indicator pointer for a '59 60S he is working on.
David Greenburg
'60 Eldorado Seville
'61 Fleetwood Sixty Special


I don't know that 59's are the same as 60's - they may be - I only know 59's.
However, your friend may be looking for not only the pointer, but the clip and screw (hardware) that goes with it to hold the assembly to the steering column - like 59's.
Have fun,
Steve B.
S. Butcher

brian faull clc#25881

David, I have whatever parts for that your friend needs. Just check and see if he just needs the pointer or the other parts as well, and let me know. Thanks, Brian. 412 952 6027.
brian faull clc#25881

David Greenburg

Thanks for the quick replies.

Steve- You always have such nice pics of whatever parts are in question? Do you grab them off eBay or do you have your own collection of parts porn?

Brian - Thanks.  I'll have him contact you directly.  His name is Walt, with Vintage Vehicles in Novato, CA.
David Greenburg
'60 Eldorado Seville
'61 Fleetwood Sixty Special

Roger Zimmermann

The transmision indicator, as named in the parts book, has the same part number for 1959 and 1960.
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101