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Started by SK903, August 31, 2017, 01:29:22 PM

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What year did AM/FM radios become available?
2012 BMW 535I
1961 Eldorado Biarritz

Bill Young

1963 was the first year that AM FM radio was offered.


. . . . and FM stereo started in 1966 as I remember. . . .

The first factory FM receiver offered by any car maker was Lincoln in 1958. It was a box that sat on the transmission hump and had wires going into the AM radio in the dash. Quite rare
1929 341B Town Sedan
1971 Miller-Meteor Lifeliner ambulance
Other non-Cadillac cars
Near Los Angeles, California

CLC #29634


Thanks guys for your replies.
2012 BMW 535I
1961 Eldorado Biarritz


FM was around before the war.  My relative had a radio phono that covered
both the pre war 45MHZ and post war 90MHZ bands.  However squeezing that
into a car is a little more difficult.  Stereo was done with tubes in the 60s, but
is a lot easier with solid state.  Bruce Roe

Eric DeVirgilis CLC# 8621

The story of FM is quite a saga. It was the invention of Edwin Howard Armstrong whose life ended tragically after years of lengthy litigation battling RCA and its president, David Sarnoff.

A Cadillac Motorcar is a Possession for which there is no Acceptable Substitute


Great story Eric.. I'm an Electrical Engineer so maybe that is part of my fascination!  Thanks for sharing...  BTW.. I just bought a RediRad for my AM radio in my 56...
1956 Series 62 Coupe
owned since 1975