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37 50 lasalle Brass porportioning valve.

Started by sly37, May 01, 2018, 09:13:09 PM

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This part fits behind master cylinder and is where the brake lines attach to. It's held in with the brake light switch.

Steve Passmore

Looks a little different than yours but you may have to play around a little to get it to fit. The type your after which bolts to the back of the cylinder is the hardest to find.

1937 60 convertible coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe
1941 62 coupe

1936 70 Sport coupe
1937 85 series V12 sedan
1938 60 coupe
1938 50 coupe
1939 60S
1940 62 coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe x2
1941 61 coupe
1941 61 sedan x2
1941 62 sedan x2
1947 62 sedan
1959 62 coupe


I found my part! All cads had it. Thanks for your input 😀

Steve Passmore


1937 60 convertible coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe
1941 62 coupe

1936 70 Sport coupe
1937 85 series V12 sedan
1938 60 coupe
1938 50 coupe
1939 60S
1940 62 coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe x2
1941 61 coupe
1941 61 sedan x2
1941 62 sedan x2
1947 62 sedan
1959 62 coupe