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1982 cadillac vinyl top questions

Started by ant2173, June 10, 2019, 03:50:16 AM

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Hello to everyone!

I have a 1982 Fleetwood factory limousine. The roof is exactly like that:

Due to body works, I had to remove the vinyl top and now need a new one.

Of course, vinyl roof shops that I know don`t have vinyl tops for factory limos in stock.
Moreover, I`m in Russia, so I want to sew the vinyl top here.

In this regard, questions:
- What material should be appropriate for vinyl top?
- Will yacht vinyl (material for furniture) be a right material to make vinyl top from it?
- What can you tell about the padding between vinyl top and roof? From what material is the padding and where (at least, in USA) it can be bought?
