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Looking to buy a 59-6337j

Started by Chuck Patton, August 21, 2019, 08:25:45 PM

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Chuck Patton

Ladies and gentlemen

I have a Client looking to buy a 1959 6337J (ONLY) with Factory AC, a White exterior, and any of the following Trim Interiors (#11, #20, #21, #60). On a 1 to 6 Scale the vehicle MUST be a #1-2 Condition Car. Contact me with Body Data Plate Information, VIN and descriptive pictures fifty9sixtycadillacsemail addresses not permitted

Thank You Very Much
Past CLC National Board Director
Past CLCMRC Director
Past CLC Motor City Region President
CLC 1959-60 Cadillac Chapter Director
CLC Life Member #23147