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Looking for a 66 Cadillac speedo trip counter

Started by Lowrider2905, October 28, 2019, 04:52:54 AM

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Hi folks,

I am currently under my ongoing restauration of my 66 Cadillac speedo. I have the issue, that the numbers delaminate off the spools. The rest is absolutely mint, the odo is fine, I am only in need of the spool for the trip.

If somebody has a broken speedo, where the spools are fine, I would also take this.

Greetings, Richard

Dan LeBlanc

There is a set of decals available for this purpose.
Dan LeBlanc
1977 Lincoln Continental Town Car


Hi Dan,

any really good ones? Was told from a friend here they are not worth it. And the only one I saw on Ebay was around 60 plus 45 shipping to Germany. So I give this way a try.

Greetings, Richard


Might call McVey.   They do speedos and trip repairs.

Chuck Swanson

I will check this weekend.  I have 15+ '66 speedometer  units... and I have one or two that are parts only.  Chuck
CLC Lifetime
AACA Lifetime
Like 65-66 Club:
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