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1956 Cadillac interior

Started by gatech1956, August 14, 2020, 10:54:32 AM

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So I’m looking for some advice on how I should address this interior issue. I’ve had a small tear in the front bench seat of the my coupe. It eventually split and needs to be redone. It is the gold Bombay interior and I got a sample from sms and their material was “off”. My cloth is darker and their pops more with the gold. Should I have the entire interior redone so my colors aren’t mismatched?

Roger Zimmermann

The color from your cloth may have faded with the age. If you have a small surface which was not exposed to the sun, it may be nearer to the SMS sample. Anyway, you will have to do the entire cloth elements from the interior unless you can live with the color difference.
As the cloth inserts at the door panels are not seen at the same angle, you may not touch them. It's up to you!
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
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CLCMRC benefactor #101