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headlamp bulbs for a 1931 Cadillac V-8

Started by Fritz Seitz, July 07, 2019, 04:43:44 PM

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Fritz Seitz

I need both headlamp bulbs for a 1931 Cadillac V-8. Where does one go?
Fritz Seitz  #15954


Hello Fritz
Try this place I got LED globes for my 39 here they should have them for the 31. I put 6 volt leds in my 31 and my 39  they work really good This is another good one // This one has good ones also but he doesn't want to ship out of USA I'm in Australia so it made it hard for me to get them. If your 31 is still 6 volt I have a good fix for 12 volt flashers I have already converted my 31 Flashers only to 12 volt. They are a lot brighter than 6 volt
I hope this helps


If you are you looking for #3003 bulbs with three filaments, I can put you in touch with Bruce Bevins, a Packard guy that makes them new.