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Want to buy a 1940 or 39 LaSalle

Started by z3skybolt, July 28, 2020, 10:30:41 PM

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Thanks Abe,

I contacted the seller.  He was indifferent. When I asked for additional pictures to be sent to my email he stated.."I don't want to waste my time".  "I am in no hurry to sell".

Given his attitude I doubted that we would ever come to a mutually agreeable deal. So I ended all contact.  Others may have a better experience.

Still looking.

1940 LaSalle 5227 Coupe(purchased May 2016)
1985 Lincoln Town Car Signature Series. Bought New.


I have sold the LaSalle and am still in the market for a replacement. Must be a nice 39/40 LaSalle.  39/41 Cadillac. No convertibles will be considered.


Bob R.
1940 LaSalle 5227 Coupe(purchased May 2016)
1985 Lincoln Town Car Signature Series. Bought New.


There's a '40 LaSalle 4 door on the CLC facebook page for sale, $29.5k obo.  Not sure how to link you to it, but the seller's name is Nick Manole.  Car is in Albuquerque.
1970 Deville Convertible 
Dallas, Texas


Thanks Chris,

I saw the add and looked into it. The cosmetics are below average, the mechanics questionable and way overpriced for a sedan.  Price needs to come down many  thousands. 

Thank you and keep them coming. CLC members have sent me several ADDS which I had not found on my own. Indeed I find the internet search far more difficult than when I looked for my 5257 five years ago.

Take care,
1940 LaSalle 5227 Coupe(purchased May 2016)
1985 Lincoln Town Car Signature Series. Bought New.


Thanks to all. I am traveling to Michigan tomorrow to pick up my NEW 1940 LaSalle.  I has been an interesting hunt to replace my wrecked 1940 LaSalle 5227.

Appreciate all of you who helped.

Bob R.
1940 LaSalle 5227 Coupe(purchased May 2016)
1985 Lincoln Town Car Signature Series. Bought New.