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1940 Cadillac 60 gas tank fitment

Started by ALZ, June 11, 2021, 06:17:17 PM

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I am new to the forum, so please forgive any mistakes I may make. I have 1940 Cadillac 60S that needs a gas tank. A new reproduction is not available, as most of you probably know. I have seen in some old forum links that a Chevy 53/54 CGX Tank will work on the 1940 model 62 coupe, but will it fit on my 60 four door series? The estimated cost to repair my old tank took my breath away, it had been cut open and mutilated by the previous owner. Please, help!


Do you have your old filler neck? If I remember correctly I purchased a 41 tank the tank it's self was the same size. I cut the neck off my old one. I added a vent tube to the top and I use a rubber hose between the fill neck and the tank. one thing about doing this is it made the tank easy to get out and in.
Thanks wayne