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Green wire, where?

Started by TomB, December 14, 2021, 08:27:05 AM

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Hi gents, babysteps. Before putting the dash in for the 4th time; does anyone have a clue where this green wire is supposed be connected. See picture. BTW it is not the hazard flasher, not the temp gauge, not the stop light switch, not the horn relay and not the backup switch. Shop manual does show anything useful.


Big Fins

1976 Eldorado Convertible in Crystal Blue Fire Mist with white interior and top. (Misty Blue)

Past and much missed:
1977 Brougham de Elegance
1976 Eldorado Convertible
1972 Fleetwood Brougham
1971 Sedan de Ville
1970 de Ville Convertible
1969 Fleetwood Brougham
1969 Sedan de Ville
1959 Sedan deVille