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Over 50 Cadillac Parts Cars (1948-72) -- Reno, NV -- Open House -- Starting 3/15

Started by Vince Taliano #13852, March 07, 2024, 02:48:22 PM

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Vince Taliano #13852

Over 50 Cadillac Parts Cars (1948-72), including convertibles
Reno, NV
Open House Starting 3/15

Shipping Flat Rate, Post Office or ABF Freight

Driving Cross-Country w/26 Foot Trailer. Can Meet Near Interstates.

No Part Too Small to Pull / Ship

Please Call Now So We Can Start Pulling Your Parts!

CLC Member Marc Tuwiner
301-672-1000 (Mobile)
Vince Taliano
CLC Potomac Region (view over 4,000 pictures!)


I called him to ask about the 1960-62 Fleetwood fender emblem. He said he might have them. But he wants to sell big stuff first.
"My interest is in the future, because I am going to spend the rest of my life there."  Charles Kettering

Vince Taliano #13852

Marc is traveling to the Nevada location today, so give him a call to see if he has the parts you need. 
Vince Taliano
CLC Potomac Region (view over 4,000 pictures!)

Vince Taliano #13852

OK, last call to ship parts to Pennsylvania for the Grand National in June. Marc will be back in Nevada soon and then on-site in Gettysburg with multiple vendor spaces. Feel free to call him at 301-672-1000.
Vince Taliano
CLC Potomac Region (view over 4,000 pictures!)