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57 Trunk Pull Down

Started by Paul Flykt CLC # 18899, May 02, 2005, 09:25:38 AM

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Paul Flykt CLC # 18899

Is this eBay item correct for 1957?,1&item=4546081532&sspagename=STRK3AMEBI3AIT TARGET=_blank>,1&item=4546081532&sspagename=STRK3AMEBI3AIT

Is the piece that attaches to the deck lid the same as for the standard latch? What else would I need to complete the system besides the switch and wire harness?

I would like to add a pull down latch to my Coupe de Ville. I have bought a couple of items that were not correct for the car as represented on eBay.
Thanks for any help.

Joe Abernathy #17524


Yes this part is correct for 57 but it is only part of the system.  The part listed fits in the deck lid and is the release solonoid.  The other part you need is the pull down motor assembly that mounts in the trunk.  Most of the pull down assemblies have a bad micro switch that can be difficult to find.  Then you would need the wiring and the switch and switch mounting bracket that fit inside the glovebox.

Randall McGrew CLC # 17963

This may not help, but I thought that JC Whitney catalog had a auto release/pull down for cars.  Would that be something you can use?  Otherwise I cannot think where to find one.

Jim Eccleston CLC 16079

Another part needed is the mounting bracket that is welded to the rear edge of the trunk body. The standard bracket is of a different shape, and must be removed, and the bracket for the pull-down motor welded in. Even so, you can mount the release solenoid and have at least half the system, with the convenience of remote trunk release. I did this for some years before I was ready for the repaint, and had the bracket installed at that time.

Paul Flykt CLC # 18899

Thanks for the replies, as I said in my first post Ive been burned a couple times by sellers either not knowing or misrepresenting their item.