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Looking for PF bodied cars for Pebble Beach 2005

Started by Rob Shanahan, April 07, 2005, 09:19:26 PM

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Rob Shanahan

I am trying to find Pininfarina-bodied Cadillacs for the Pininfarina class at Pebble Beach this August.  If you have or know of one of these cars please contact me.  Condition need not be perfect.  Pininfarina did many Cadillacs in the 50s and I would love to see one in this class.

Yann Saunders, CLC No. 12588

"Pininfarina did many Cadillacs in the 50s ..."

In fact, Pinin Farina designed only ONE body on a Cadillac chassis in the fifties.  It was a 3-pass. roadster commissioned by NY Ferrari importer, Luigi Chinetti.  That car has survived, although in a slightly modified state. It is in the USA but I dont have its precise location.

The Eldorado Broughams of 1959 and 1960, although assembled in Turin by PF are Fleetwood designs designs.