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66 SDV Running Again!!!

Started by Rob Gerace #16100, May 08, 2005, 07:41:19 PM

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Rob Gerace #16100

Ok, its been a long 8 months since Ive enjoyed my 66 Sedan deVille.  After an extensive analysis, it turned out to be the carburetor after all.  I had it rebuilt last week and just put it on.  Now, the car is just like it was before it started messing up on my way from Oklahoma City to Dayton, OH.  

Im going to go drive it now, so Ill write more details later.  I want to thank Ralph Messina, Porter Littlefield, and all the others that helped out in figuring out what was wrong.  

66 SDV

Now, where should I start with all the other things it needs?!

Randall McGrew CLC # 17963

Hey congratulations, Rob!  That is wonderful.  And the perfect time of year too for the enjoying of our cars.  I forget, what are the color schemes and interior materials?  I had a friend in High School who was given his Grandfathers 65 SDV.  I was completely captivated by it (well honestly it doesnt take much to do that!).  It had all the options in greens.  A wonderful car, and very, very well kept.  I hope he kept it.  
Anyway, it is great to hear about another beauty out on the streets!  :)

Rob Gerace #16100

Thanks, Randall!
  I appreciate the kind words.  My car is a Hardtop Sedan deVille.  The most popular model that year.  It is a beige color with black leather interior.  I wasnt too crazy about the beige, but the black inside really sold me.  I personally think that the interior is whats important on an old car.  Its the part of that car that you are the most intimate with while driving.  

The body plate has a "00" color code, indicating a special order color.  It makes sense, since the beige is a little lighter than the Sandalwood of 1966.  Now, if I ever can afford to repaint the car, I can use ANY color previously offered by Cadillac, and Id still have a truly authenticly colored 1966 car, even by CLC judging standards.  Plus the fact that a black interior will go with anything, literally.  Now, the hard part is what to chose!

The car still needs several things, like A/C compressor, trans bushing/seal, radiator, and tires.  So, I should be busy this summer with it.  

How is your 56 coming along?  What color is that car?  I always liked the 50s Cadillacs, but Id probably prefer driving a 60s Cadillac in modern highway traffic.  

Take care,


Ralph Messina CLC 4937

For what ever help I provided, you’re quite welcome.  Glad to hear you solved the problem. Can you tell us what it was specifically?

In answer to your question: “Now, where should I start with all the other things it needs?! “……My advice is leave things alone. No good intentioned deed goes unpunished.


Randall McGrew CLC # 17963

Rob, I tend to agree with you.  I like the 60s cars because they are completely modern for highway use, and still have that patina of age that makes them special.  My 56 is coming along slowly.  I have had it out on the road at least once and it drives well.  I do not think it will be a problem for daily driving since the 365 cid engine provides plenty of power and the powersteering makes moving that boat effortless.  

She is a fairly standard 50s color scheme, in Tahoe Blue, with a light roof in Cavern Grey (nearly white).  I agree whole heartedly with you on the interiors.
While I like everything about the cars, it is with the interiors that I really get excited.  The color schemes and materials make for that special driving experience.  Mine has the light blue gaberdine wool and Heather Blue patterned cloth, with highlights in a greenish blue vinyl (or at least deep blue...its hard to tell).  The dash board is a metalic blue.  It is an amazing testiment to the design available (up to 88 combinations) in 1956.

But itis doubtful that the car will see the open road before 2007.

Rob Gerace #16100

Hi Ralph,
  How is Jersey?  Ive been watching the manifold auctions that you send me.  I really appreciate the tip offs on them.  That last one went for $177, so I passed on it.  I wanted to get a couple of other things done to the car before I fix the manifold.  But, if one comes at a decent price, Ill definitely jump on it.

   Anyway, back to the carb.  In our conversations last fall, you had talked to some other people and felt that the problem was in the carburetor, and that ended up being right on.  I had good compression, good consistent sparks, and the timing seemed to be ok, so the fuel system was left to check.  

I hooked the smoke machine up to the power brake line at work, and the only smoke coming out was through the top of the carb, where it should have been.  So, it had no major vacuum leaks.  

The carb shop said that they found a little bit of debris in there.  He didnt seem to think that it was enough to cause the bad performance like that, but he did say that it was possible.  All the fuel in the fuel filter bowl looks clean, so I think it might have just been a random piece of debris that got in there.  That would explain how the problem arrived instantly.  Anyway, whatever was in there, isnt there now, since the car runs great now.  And it was only $128, since I got it done through the shop I work at.  They always charge jobbers less than ordinary customers.  

Now, there are a few things that I want to fix before driving the car too far.  It needs a radiator, a transmission extension housing bushing and rear seal, and I have an oil leak on the front of the engine that seems to be coming from the oil pump.  A gasket perhaps?  

Hopefully, Ill be able to actually attend an event this summer!  Im back in Ohio which seems to have more activity than Oklahoma did.  

Anyway, thanks agian, Ralph, for your help.  Ill keep you updated on it.  
