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Collector/Antique Insurance Problem

Started by Joe R #20442, June 03, 2005, 12:43:58 PM

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Joe R #20442

I am in a bind getting insurance for my 63 convertible, and am seeking advice if anyone has been in a similar situation. My current collector car insurer "stopped writing policies in SC", which I think is a polite way to say I was dropped. I found out a few months ago that my insurance company for my other cars, house etc. (USAA) increased my rates due to several violations and a fender bender my wife racked up over the past 18 months.

Now that I am shopping for another collector insurer, they wont write me a policy due to my wifes record, even though she never has/will drive my Caddy. The only advice my regular insurer had was try to find a collector insurer who will write an exclusion for an adult driver (normally exclusions apply for drivers with less than 10 years experience). Has anyone been able to get a collector insurance policy with an adult exclusion, and if so with what company? I am being penalized for my wifes bad driving in more ways than one!

Thanks in advance-
Joe Robinson

Michael Stamps 19507

I also have USAA and they will do a special policy for our older cars.  I never did it but I did talk to them about it several months back.  From what I remember it is another policy written on top of your normal auto policy.  They are a very good company and very reasonable rates so I would try them first.


George Woodford clc21025

What you can do is remove your wife from your policy.  Establish a policy in your name and one in her name.  A coworker of my lost his insurance from State Farm, because his wife had too many finder benders.  Now they are insured by a fly-by-night insurance company at very high rates.  I gave him the same advice as you, but I dont know if he acted on it.

Joe R #20442

Michael-yes, I would not leave them for another company-I have had nothing but good experience with them.  Yes-they do have a partner company who writes collector policies for them, but they dont write them in SC, the only or one of the few states they dont write them for.  From all of the "not available in SC" responses, we must have some screwy insurance laws here.  Thanks for your response-


Joe R #20442

Yes-I tried that, but USAA wont split us up on separate policies, primarily because that is why people do it.  But separate policies would still have to cover anyone you give permission to drive your vehicle-the only way to remove the companys liability is to exclude them by name in writing.  Thanks for your response-there has to be a way to make it work!


Anthony Z

Using collector as a temporay daily driver until my car is fixed, will be about 5 weeks, do i have to notify insurer  am i covered while commutting?

Michael Stamps 19507

Its been a little over five years since I moved from SC to FL.  One problem for USAA there is that SC requires them to insure anyone that ask vs. their policy of only doing military and ex military.  Maybe they limit their coverage because of that.


Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gday Anthony,

By all means, check with your Insurance Company.   They may be able to give you a "Cover Note" or an "extension" to cover you for that period.

It has been my understanding that Collector Car Insurance prohibits anyone from using their Collector Car as a means of daily transportation, especially as a daily commutor.

The chances of being involved in an accident is greatly enhanced when trying to mix it with the "bull-headed, one way philosophy" of the average commuter whose only thought is on getting too or from work with the "bugger everybody else" attitude.

You would be better off making other arrangements to get to and from work than to risk compromising your chances of losing the Collector Car Insurance.

The Tassie devil(le),
60 CDV

George Woodford clc21025

It all depends on the DMV rules for the state you are insured.  In Virgina, an antique tagged car can be driven every day, but not to commute to work.  If you have an accident commuting to work, the insurance company might refuse to pay based the the DMV rules.  You may drive your antique tagged car a maximum of 250 mile radius from where you live.  There are no other restrictions and there is no emmissions or safety inspection.  Regisration is permanent for a one time cost of $13.50.  The rules here are reasonable.