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2005 Grand Nationals

Started by Andrea, June 01, 2005, 03:36:06 PM

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Quote from: Bill Hedge  CLC14424I understand not having a lot of disposable income and the desire to receive something for nothing.  Been there, done that.  We all want a “good deal”.  However, if you really like these cars, join the CLC and pay the fee to attend the event.  The monthly magazine is very professionally done and well worth the cost of the membership alone.  Although Jeff Hanson and others have been very generous with their time, it costs money to operate and maintain this website and message board that we all so enjoy.

   After participating in the management and running of one of the grand nationals, I will never try to get in free.  The people that put on these events donate enormous amounts of time.   If not enough people pay to attend, they run the risk of incurring a sizeable financial loss.  Additionally, you will probably miss the swap meet, the welcome reception and comrade of all the people in attendance.  There is a lot more to a grand national than the cars.  Do not cheat yourself.  Heck, while I am on this rant, since you are from Iowa, why not join the Iowa region and give them a hand?  I am sure that they could use the assistance.

   However, if you have searched your conscience and really can not afford to pay to attend, come and enjoy the cars anyway.

      I think you have misunderstood. I am not looking at getting something for nothing.I never said I was looking to get in free. I just happened to find info about this show and club one day and have a boyfriend and his friend who are into Cadillacs. I just wanted to find out if it was necessary to be a member to attend is all.I also understand that there is a lot more to do/see than just the cars but that is the main part I was wondering about. I already saw on the site that you have to be a member to attend all/most the other events and tours. I didnt say I wanted to get a free show. Thank you to all of you who were helpful in answering my question. I really appreciate it. The way it sounds tho is this is a question/issue every year. I understand it is probably not something they want to post on the page about not having to be a member but it would save some time and disagreements I think.

Porter 21919


You dont have millions of illegal aliens driving cars around with no drivers license or insurance, in effect all legal drivers in America are paying insurance for these illegals.

I just read recently some brilliant politician in Ca. wants to pass a bill so that the illegals car doesnt get impounded for 30 days if they get caught without a license/insurance, but the legal American will still have their car impounded for 30 days, sounds like reverse discrimination to me.



As you suspect, question comes up every year, and plenty of misinformation is put out. Allow me to make a few personal comments about the Grand Nationals.  The Grand National is the "Super Bowl" event of the Cadillac LaSalle Club, and in order to partake of the activities, one MUST be a dues paying member.  This activities usually include a welcoming cocktail party, hospitality room, awards banquet etc.  Since the club is self-funded it is necessary to have fees to attend.

Ironically the question that you and most others have asked throughout the years, concern the "Show" which is on Saturday, and when the cars are judged.  To be entered into the show, you must be a member and pay the show fee.  At all the Grand Nationals I have attended throughout the years, the public has always been allowed to look at the cars in the "Show", with no charge.  Since the show is widely attended there are numerous cars on display, and the show is usually in a public place such as the parking lot of the host hotel.

I think what happens most years is people ask if they have to pay to go to the show.  Most responses dont directly answer the question, they usually address the purpose of the club, expenses etc.

I personally think that the club should encourage the public to attend free of charge!  What better way to advertise the club then to have on display many of the best Cadillacs around!  It not only promotes Cadillacs, but the "classic car" hobby in general. It gives the public a chance to see up close and personal some of the really great Cadillacs of all time, and chat with the owners.  Nothing an owner enjoys more then chatting about their "Pride & Joy".

So if you are in the area, I would suggest dropping by and taking a look at the cars.  If it peaks your interest, then sign up and join in the fun.


Thank you very much for that information. It is exactly what i was looking for. A direct answer. I plan on at least dropping down to check it all out.


Quote from: AndreaThank you very much for that information. It is exactly what i was looking for. A direct answer. I plan on at least dropping down to check it all out.

Great!  Have a good time, and dont forget your camera.....