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1932 V-8 Camshaft removal

Started by Marc A. Thurston, June 21, 2005, 11:43:14 PM

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Marc A. Thurston

I am stuck!  I have disassembled a 1932 V-8 engine to the point that I am now ready to remove the camshaft.  I was told that it is better to remove it from the rear of the engine so that I dont break the aluminum retainer at the front of the engine.  I have already removed the flange at the front of the camshaft.

At this point I do not know how to proceed.  What is the best way to remove the plug at the rear of the engine?  Are there any other parts I need to remove or disassemble before pulling the camshaft out?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



Johan Boltendal # 158

It has been a while since my last engine overhaul, the camshaft cannot come out at the rear side of the engine. Bearing diameter are 2.33 second 2.33 third and 1 5/8 fourth. Also a camshaft has to stay in position, therefore it is closed in between the front and rear bearing, not to wander.
Try to heat the crank case
with boiling water or an electrical heather and cool the retainer with ice or a freezing spray,gently hammer the camshaft out with a piece of bronze or hardwood from the inside of the engine, it should come out without breaking, if you take the time.
Perhaps this was ment by taking it out from the rear, after removing the plug, hammer the shaft out from behind, in the front direction, to avoid the breaking of the retainer with a screwdriver tip or some other piece of equipment. good luck Johan

Marc A Thurston

Thanks for the information.  This will help get me back on track.

Harry Scott (4195)

Marc, I just finished removing the cam from a 30 V-8 this afternoon. If your cam moves and is not frozen be sure the oil pump and distributor drive gear is removed. It lifts out from the top. Good luck.

Paul Ayres #5640

Marc - Tried to reply to your e-mail to me, but it bounced back three times.  The cam will come out the front of the engine.  It is not necessary to remove the rear expansion plug unless you have to drive the cam out from the rear.  Sometimes one of the camshaft bearing surfaces is slightly narrower than the bearing itself, creating a small band of un-worn bearing material that tends to hold the cam in place.  I have used an impact puller to get the cam out when the front retainer is stuck in the crankcase, as the retainers are quite fragile, and will break if you pry on the bolt ears.  If you have the retainer out already, the cam will slide out the front of the crankcase.  You may need to use an impact puller to get it out.    Be sure you have the oil pump/distributor drive shaft out before you pull the cam.  Paul Ayres

Marc A Thurston

Thanks Harry.  At this point I have everything else removed.

Paul - I used my home computer e-mail address and I dont know why it wouldnt receive. Sorry for the problem. Per everyones instructions I will try to take it out the front tonight.

Thanks for your feedback.
