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Dont inhale refrigerant

Started by Denise 20352, August 31, 2005, 01:30:50 PM

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Denise 20352

  Yeah, we all know that, but it can happen by accident.  And what happens if you do inhale it?

  Yesterday I was staring at the sight glass in the VIR on my 76, which basically involves putting your head near the fender.  I had my gauges on top of the fender, and the line was loose on one of them.  I was so busy looking at the sight glass and glancing back at the gauges that I wasnt really paying attention, and I inhaled a small amount over several minutes.  I turned around and walked away from the car, and suddenly I was doubled over in pain.  I felt like my insides were about to explode out of both ends.  I got inside the house and my voice would barely come out.  I managed to ask Tony to feed my dog before I collapsed into a recliner, and it was a couple of hours before I could breathe normally.

  Im OK today, but, nasty stuff.  Dont inhale it.
