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What is the gas price in your area?

Started by William Hunter CLC #21622, October 24, 2005, 05:07:46 PM

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Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

Down again to as low as $2.63/gal for regular and from 40 to 65 cents a gallon more for diesel (whats up with that?)in the Houston area.  I just got back from Vancouver Island, BC where regular was $1.08/litre; it cost me $66.00 to fill up my Volvo S-60 rental car when it was near the red zone. Yikes.

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Well, here in Tasmania, the cost is AU$1.31 per Litre, which equates to US$3.74 per Gallon.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Rikard Stenberg

Here in Sweden regular gas cost US$ 1.55/litre which should mean just under US$ 6 per gallon.

Sweden probably have one of the highest gas prices in the whole world - so you guys in the U.S. can be regarded as really lucky when it comes to gas prices...

Thank god I only have a 500" Eldorado to fuel up now & then - usually around $ 130 for a full tank  ;-)



2.29 per gallon in Harrisburg Pa last night.

Brian Daum, 18809

Tonite NOK 12,- pr liter equals appr. $ 7.05 pr gallon!

NW Norway

Tim Coy #11513

$2.499 at Costco in the Denver, Colorado, area on Sunday

Jeff Maltby 4194

$2.79 regular in Patterson...central valley calif

William Hunter CLC #21622

A couple of other countries we do not normally hear from.
Japan: 129 yen per liter = $4.45 per gallon.

Here is a shocker for us all!!!
Gasoline (Litre) Regular $35.68
Gasoline (Litre)Premium Leaded $36.69
Gasoline (Litre) Premium Unleaded $39.09

Diesel (Litre) $31.04
Kerosene (Litre) $38.20
Fuel Oil (Litre) $22.89
LPG (Auto, Kg) $25.36
LPG (Kg) $25.68 TARGET=_blank>

Michael Stamps 19507

They have a somewhat misleading statement at the top of that chart "in USD cents, as of September 24, 2003."  I assume that means the prices are in US Cents.  So it would be 35 cents and so on.


Denise 20352

  The lowest Ive seen in Tucson was 2.53.9.    I keep seeing it lower, and thats a good sign.

  BTW, have you noticed that people start driving around shopping for gas when the price goes down?


Jeff Gibson #22264

Wednesday the 26th.....$2.27 in most places for regular in Central Kentucky