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06 DTS Convertibles

Started by Rich Sullivan CLC #11473, April 10, 2006, 10:35:07 AM

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Rich Sullivan CLC #11473

While visiting South Florida last week, I saw that Coachbuilders Limited has made improvements to their 2006 DTS Convertible conversion (eliminating any B-pillar post and other refinements)--the ones I saw at a dealership looked really nice. Here is a link to their site--check it out: TARGET=_blank>

Now, if they would continue to refine and make it into a two-door (which should not be that difficult, now that theyve done these improvements) it would sell even better! It would then be something reminiscent of the 78 & 79 Seville San Remo conversions.

Randall A. McGrew CLC# 17963

Now you are talking!!! THose are great!  Id like to see a CTS done up that way. Hell, I would even take the Chrysler (which I like basically).  And a sedan convertible!! WooHoo!!!

Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

It looks great, but they must not sell very many of their conversions if they still have Eldorados in stock (and Im assuming they do since theyre listed on the same page as the new DTS). Eldo production stopped four years ago this month.

Rich Sullivan CLC #11473

Coachbuilders Limited does not stock the cars, they are the conversion company. Their new DTS convertibles can be ordered through an authorized Cadillac dealer, or a customer can ship their car to them to be converted. From 1992 through 2002, the conversions of Eldorados were a mainstay of their business, so that is probably why they still show them on their web-site, and to show Eldorado owners what can be created. Their conversions are usually in-stock at South Florida Cadillac dealers.